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Rae’s Lion of Scotland at Holyrood

The Lion of Scotland was on display at Holyrood Park as part of the Ronald Rae Exhibition from 2006 -2008 then for a further two years till April 2010 on loan to The Scottish Parliamentary Corporate Body. This was due to overwhelming public support and petitions organised by The Scottish Tourist Blue Badge Guides, Bob Watt (sadly deceased) and Margaret Smith MSP (online petition) with further support from many Cross Party MSPs in particular Christine Grahame.

Rosalind Newlands, President of the World Federation of Tourist Guide Associations (WFTGA), on behalf of STGA presented a Petition to the Scottish Parliament to request that the Lion of Scotland by Ronald Rae be allowed to remain close to the Parliament. Ronald Rae had offered to lend the sculpture to the Parliament without limit of time. It has now been agreed that the Lion can remain in Holyrood Park for 2 years.

Ronald Rae said “the support of the Scottish Tourist Guides has been monumental in affecting this decision. They did it for the people of Scotland and we are very grateful.”
April 2008

Margaret Smith MSP welcomed the decision to keep Ronald Rae’s “Lion of Scotland” sculpture at Holyrood for the next two years. Margaret said, “I am delighted … It is a fantastic sculpture by a local … artist and the national symbol of Scotland, so this is the perfect place for it. March 2008

“A number of people contacted me during my campaign to let me know of their support for keeping the sculpture in this location and I know that many more will be delighted that it is staying. I’m glad that the Scottish Parliament’s Art Advisory Group and Corporate Body have listened to the people of Scotland as well as the many visitors to Edinburgh who were calling for the Lion to remain at its current site.” March 2008

Latest news – the Lion moved from Holyrood Park on 25th April 2010 however it has not left Edinburgh. The new city centre site for the sculpture is St Andrew Square Garden only one mile from Holyrood where it will be on exhibition for the next year.

Ronald Rae thanks all those who have supported the Lion of Scotland sculpture. He has been overwhelmed by the number of letters and emails he has received over the past four years. April 2010.